Raleigh Hand Surgeon

TFCC Tear (Ulnar Sided Wrist Pain)

The Triangular FibroCartilage Complex (TFCC) is an important structure that is meniscus equivalent in the wrist. TThe triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) is a group of tissues located on the outer side of the wrist that help support and stabilize the forearm bones. It plays a crucial role in wrist movements and absorbing stress during activities that put pressure on the wrist. Injuries to the TFCC can lead to pain, weakness, and instability in the wrist, affecting daily activities and the ability to perform hand-intensive tasks.

Types of TFCC Injuries

The most common TFCC injuries include tears, sprains, and fractures. Tears can occur due to a traumatic injury, such as a fall on an outstretched hand, or repetitive stress, such as repetitive wrist movements. Sprains occur when the ligaments of the TFCC are stretched or torn, causing instability in the wrist. Fractures can occur as a result of a traumatic injury or overuse, leading to stress on the wrist bones. Patients may experience some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Clicking or popping while turning the forearm or moving the wrist from side to side

  • Pain with grip

  • Weakness

TFCC Tear Raleigh Hand Surgeon

Diagnosing a TFCC Tear

Diagnosis of TFCC injuries typically involves a physical examination and imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRI. During the physical examination, the doctor will assess the patient’s wrist for pain, swelling, and stability. Imaging tests can help identify the extent of the injury and determine if there is any damage to the bones or tissues of the wrist.

TFCC Tear Raleigh Hand Surgeon

Treatment for TFCC Tear

Treatment of TFCC injuries depends on the severity and type of injury. Non-surgical treatment options include rest, ice, and physical therapy to reduce pain and swelling, as well as to improve strength and flexibility. 

  • Splints

  • Activity changes

  • Anti-inflammatory medicine

  • Injections

If these are unsuccessful then a surgery may be needed and is often completed  using a camera in the wrist joint (arthroscopically). 

TFCC Tear Raleigh Hand Surgeon Surgery

Rehabilitation after TFCC Tear

Following treatment, a rehabilitation program is essential for the proper healing and recovery of the wrist. This program typically includes physical therapy to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Patients may also be given exercises to perform at home to aid in the recovery process.


Preventing TFCC injuries involves practicing good wrist hygiene, such as avoiding repetitive motions that put stress on the wrist, and using proper technique when performing hand-intensive activities. Wearing wrist braces or splints during activities that put stress on the wrist can also help reduce the risk of TFCC injury.

 TFCC injuries can have a significant impact on daily activities and the ability to perform hand-intensive tasks. Proper diagnosis and treatment, along with rehabilitation and prevention, are crucial for proper healing and recovery. By understanding and managing TFCC injuries, patients can return to a pain-free and active lifestyle.

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