Raleigh Hand Surgeon

Elbow Fractures

The elbow is a joint made up of the humerus, radius and ulna. Ligaments hold the bones together to provide stability to the joint. An elbow fracture may result from falling onto an outstretched arm or a direct impact on the elbow. Stiffness is a major concern after any elbow fracture. Elbow fractures can be complex injuries to have therefore managing expectations is key. Treatment is therefore focused on maximizing early motion. Age is also an important factor when treating elbow fractures. Elbow fractures that are displaced or unstable are more likely to need surgery to realign and stabilize the fragments, or sometimes to remove bone fragments, and ideally allow for early motion. 

 Distal Humerus Fracture 

Elbow Fracture Treatment Raleigh Hand Surgeon Elbow Fracture Treatment Raleigh Hand Surgeon

Elbow Fracture Treatment Raleigh Hand Surgeon  Elbow Fracture Treatment Raleigh Hand Surgeon

Radial Head fracture 

Elbow Fracture Treatment Raleigh Hand Surgeon Elbow Fracture Treatment Raleigh Hand Surgeon

Ulna Fracture

Elbow Fracture Treatment Raleigh Hand Surgeon Elbow Fracture Treatment Raleigh Hand Surgeon

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